Ministry Day 1

Orientation and Prep

With the delay in travel, we didn’t get to Centro ABEM until 4am. We quickly got to bed. We ended up not going to our first location so that we could take the day to rest up and prep for the other VBS days this week.

Morning Devo

Philippians 2

Theme: Looking Outside of Yourself

We talked about the importance of viewing our world with a gospel lens as we strive to have the mindset of Christ. He gave His life for our sake, that we would know Him. For this week and even when we come home, Christ commands us to view others as more significant than ourselves!


Learned about the mission of ABEM, who is on the team, and what we will be doing this week.


Prepping for the week!

Puppet Practice

Sorting through all the materials


Some of the guys even bought some steaks to sear up for their “second” dinner

Snack time!

Waiting for lunch!

Click HERE to go Day 2

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