VBS @ Rayitos
Team Pic - minus Gwen and Lynette who were late ;) We are getting another one tomorrow
Matthew 13:24-43
Theme: Being God’s Seed for the Harvest
We talked about how powerful a seed truly is. A seed can produce massive trees, plants, and fruit. The smallest seed can produce giant trees! The same is true of us. God uses us, as broken and as imperfect as we are, for His glory. We are planting seeds this week that we pray will take root and grow into mighty trees of faith!
We spent all day with the kids at Rayitos Feeding Center. Our team had the awesome opportunity to put on a mini-VBS program. Songs, puppets, and a lesson over Creation, taught by Noah Kwast! We are going through the Jungle Journey VBS Lessons. The same ones we did at WHBC last week.
The lessons are about 10 minutes for us in English so that they can also be translated into Spanish. The guy standing next to Noah is one of the pastors of a partnering church, which we will be going to on Saturday.
Riding in the back of the truck
It has (and probably still will) rain every day so far.
Unloading the truck
Crafts and Games
The kids also liked to play, “keep away”. Or trying to keep the ball away from our teens at least. They loved it!
We even got some jump ropes out and Levi was having competitions to see who could go the longest.
Our team helped serve lunch and gave away some gifts to the kids!
The gifts were drawstring bags with some bouncy balls and candy inside.
We loved being at Rayitos and we get to do it all again tomorrow!
We worked through our highs and lows for the day.
Many of the highs were about being with the kids at the Center. Many lows were not being able to communicate with the kids. So many some Spanish lessons are on tap for New Heights ;)
We then talked about how we saw God use us to plant the seeds of the Gospel even if we weren’t able to explicitly share it. Many students also shared how they saw people on our team step up to help someone else. (Just want to say it is a blast working with this team!)
Tomorrow we will be going with church staff to visit homes of people in the community. There are about 16 homes that we will be going to. Pictured is our team with our translators packing up the gift bag we are giving to the families. Pray that God opens up doors for us to share the Gospel and that lives would be transformed!