Ministry Day 3

VBS @ Rayitos

Morning Devo

Matthew 5:1-13

Theme: Being Salt and Impacting the World for Christ

We talked about how Christ has called us salt of the Earth. Salt is valuable and has many uses from preserving, healing wounds, and even causing us to be thirsty. We are to act as salt in a world that desperately needs Him. Today, we had an incredible opportunity to be salt to people in our home visits.

Neighborhood Tour

We took a walk around the neighborhood, seeing the places where people live.

This building is where Rayitos was founded and started



We went back to Rayitos for the second time. We played games, did puppets, and Xander taught the lesson over Corruption and Catastrophe. How Adam and Eve’s sin corrupted all of humanity and God caused the flood, yet our of His love still saved people through Noah and the ark, and how Jesus is the way that we can truly be saved from our corruption.

Puppet Songs!

Crafts and games

Crafts and games

Rayitos Kids

Home Visits

We split into 4 teams to go visit homes to share the Gospel. One of the teams saw 2 people trust Christ! Praise God!! It was a joyful time and experience. Many of our teens shared their testimonies and God placed them in the perfect houses.

Team Debrief

We shared more about our home visits and how we saw God at work. We then challenged each other to be salt no matter where we are. Whether in Nicaragua or Dayton there are people everywhere that need Christ’s love  and forgiveness.

Click HERE to go to Day 4

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