Camp Day!
Thank you for your gifts at VBS for a terrific camp day for these kids! They loved every part of it!
Romans 8:18-30
Theme: Having the Proper Perspective
We started off the morning with our devotional and talked about having an eternal perspective. That on the timeline of eternity, our lives a but a blip. We spend majority of our time focuses on our lives here that we miss the bigger picture. Our motivation should come from Christ and the opportunity to hear Him tell us, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Every person will spend eternity somewhere. Hell, separated from God. Or Heaven, with God forever. We must use the freedom we have in Christ to make Him known because eternity matters!
We started the morning off handing out snacks and juice as they came into the gym. We did our VBS program with puppets and songs. I gave the lesson for the morning over Christ and the Cross.
We split the kids into groups. Boys and Girls. And then into older and younger. This helped us move them around the camp and to make teams for the games.
The rest of the morning we did an hour of crafts for the girls and games for the boys. Then we switched - boys went to crafts and girls went to games.
The crafts were wooden 3D puzzles. Many of the kids, especially the younger ones, needed help.
Games ranged from soccer, kickball, and even Duck Duck Goose!
After lunch we did more songs and Josh taught the lesson over Consummation.
We then hit up the pool for the rest of the afternoon.
The teens were able to have some fun with the kids and all the inflatables. In fact, right after Josh’s lesson, it started to downpour. One of the pastors prayed and asked God to stop the rain so the kids would be able to swim. A few minutes after he prayed the rain stopped and eventually we saw a bit of blue sky!
It was fun watching them all hit and throw the balls back and forth. We also got little squirt guns for them too.
Kids were climbing on our teens and wanting to get on shoulders. Some may have also got burned a bit, even after being told to wear sunscreen ;)
It was even a great time in having conversations with kids! To the best of everyone’s ability at least.
This was our last day of ministry so we had to really say goodbye to the kids today. We gave them a snack to go on the bus and they waved from the windows. Some of our teens even ran after one of the busses while waving.
Snack time before leaving!
We ended the day with Highs, Lows, and Buffalos. Then Craig and Cassandra Fisher shared their missionary journey with us. Craig even challenged our men to consider going into the mission field. This is because single women are outnumbering the single men going into missions. He encouraged our men to take up the responsibility. This is also something near to my heart as well, and would love to have those conversations with our young men if that are thinking about ministry work at all.
We then had to deflate all the inflatables. Look at all those happy faces ;)
Click HERE to go to Day 7